Lab 3: Animated GIFs

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1. Sports GIF




For the sports GIF category, I chose a GIF that could also be classified as a fail GIF for the example. This GIF shows what is usually a very routine action being completely messed up, as the field goal holder doesn’t recognize the ball has been snapped until it hits him in the face mask. Because of how easy this action usually is, the fact that the play was messed up so badly is humorous. The counter-example shows exactly the opposite; a very routine play is completed easily, as the punter catches the snap and smoothly kicks it away. Unlike the original example, this counter-example has next to no comedic value, as a punter punting a well-snapped football is a relatively boring event. The counter-GIF I chose would never be successful as a GIF because of its lack of excitement and humor, which most sports GIF have.

2. Reaction GIF




My example and counter-example for the reaction GIF category show a clear distinction between a GIF with an intense reaction and a GIF with no reaction at all. The example GIF that I chose shows a girl flailing around on the ground clearly very upset about something. This GIF is popular because people can relate to the emotions displayed within it. The counter-example that I chose shows the exact opposite of a reaction. Newton’s cradle is a device that shows reactions perfectly, as it is a visualization of the conservation of momentum. In my GIF, I cut off the video just as the reaction from the balls striking one another is about to occur. This is a great counter-example because everyone knows what would happen if the video were to continue, but because of the editing, no reaction is visible.

3. Fandom GIF





Most examples of fandom GIFs show iconic scenes from various television shows or movies that fans would recognize. They also often contain a quotation at the bottom of the GIF, which is similarly usually a memorable line from the show or movie. The GIF that I chose from Narcos shows a scene that many fans would recognize from Season 1 of the show with a line that Pablo Escobar and other characters use consistently throughout the show. My counter-example shows an example of a scene from a show that would never be used as a fandom GIF. While, in actuality, I did not get the GIF from a television show, the car driving down the road could have come from many scenes in many shows or videos. It has no ties to anything specific, so this clearly would be quite the opposite of a fandom GIF because no one would be able to see it and recognize from where it came.


Posted from Digital Studies 101 Blog by Patrick G.