About DIG 101

The digital is a fundamental part of everyday life, shaping how we work, play, communicate, love, learn, and even sleep. Unlike the grand technologies of the last century—improbably tall skyscrapers, massive hydroelectric dams, rocket ships to the moon and beyond—the digital technologies that capture our attention today are mostly small and personal. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram. Amazon Prime. YouTube and Netflix. We live in a digital world.

This course offers a critical approach to contemporary digital culture. While there are countless questions to ask about the social, psychological, and economic implications of ubiquitous digital technology, DIG 101 will focus on the history of digital media, the rise of network society, and the influence of digital technology upon culture and the arts. The expressive power of new media—the way digital media enables and shapes different modes of creative and scholarly expression—will be of particular interest to DIG 101.

Meeting Information

DIG 101 meets MWF 10:30-11:20am
Chambers 3106

Professor Information

Dr. Mark Sample
Office: Chambers 3286
Office Hours: Tuesday 10-11am, Thursday 2:30-3:30pm, and by appointment at Summit Outpost