False Transparency

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The obsession with the internet and its providers remaining transparent is quite interesting. Not many companies and/or forms of media are under the same scrutiny to provide this level of transparency that companies like Apple and Facebook are required to do.

We know how connected the internet makes us and as grateful as we are for this fact we are also fearful of the power this gives to companies and individuals who run the digital world. We often find our selves questioning who has access to our digital activity and who could be watching what we are doing if they wanted to? We have this social anxiety of being watched yet we will gladly and willingly engage with multiple forms of social media on a daily basis as of means of letting our “friends” into our daily lives. In fact who’s social media friends are actually people they know? The internet has for so long fostered this culture of anonymity that we are ok with users becoming anonymous and becoming a username. But yet we still hold onto this anxiety of being watched and tracked. Why is it that we will submit ourselves to these social media platforms that allow for million of people to view our profiles will remaining weary of the people who make that exact thing possible?

We ask digital providers to be transparent, but are these companies actually being transparent with us? Companies like Google don’t even have a number to call to reach a person when needing help with services; the process of expressing help with their company sends users on a long path of emailing and waiting. Photos of break rooms, server racks and cooling technology are not very representative of this invisible world that we have created.Those things are not what create our anxiety, but yet why are we so satisfied with them as means of being “transparent” with digital corporations?


What information does this picture actually give us? Picture from Google.

Posted from Course Blogs by Shayla B.