“Change” is Interesting, But Ultimately Pretty Normal on the Uncanny Scale

“Change” is different than a lot of the other electronic literature we’ve read in class. Something unique about this the story’s structure, you interact with it only my moving your cursor and clicking to the right. This is different than the other stories, where I am used to clicking an image and moving somewhere. There is also a lot more meaning to this than some of the other literature we’ve looked at this semester. There is seemingly a lot going on with the ideas of gender roles and sexual abuse. The girl featured seems to be dealing with PTSD after an innocent with a man. She is alone and desperate for help, but no one is there for her.

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A screenshot from “Change.” Link to the story can be found if you click the image.


Even though this is plot is tragic and you feel bad for the girl, when trying to place “Change” on the Uncanny Valley, it’s easy to rule out most within positions within the valley. This is simply because the girl is human and there is nothing extraordinarily creepy or uncanny about a girl with mental issues. The axes for the Valley are similarity to humans on the y axis and familiarity on the x and this story is about a person who is going through something that is all too common today. Maybe pointing out how serious of an issue assault and gender inequality was part of the motives for Andy Campbell. Even though this is not the most uncanny story, it is definitely meaningful and was well thought out by Campbell, since every piece of the story the music, the structure, the visuals, add complexity to the story.



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One depiction of the Uncanny Valley. Click the image to find the source.

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