Connections Between Technology in Neuromancer and Today

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Technology is undoubtedly a key component in Gibson’s book and his exceptional foresight into future technological advances encourages the reader to make connections between the technology of today and in the book. For instance, Gibson essentially predicted many advances in science that would come about in the 20th century; virtual reality, functional prosthetic appendages, cyberspace and the Matrix. Most significantly of the technologies in the book would be the Matrix. The Matrix is Case’s portal into a virtual world where he can ascertain valuable information and trade it for money or utilize it himself. Gibson illustrates this enormous technological world, known as cyberspace, and he may have been alluding to the Internet of modern times. I believe that there is a strong connection between cyberspace and the Internet because both technologies allow the user to basically acquire anything they need, as well as escaping their own reality and becoming anyone they desire to be. Although prosthetic appendages were around in the 1980’s, Gibson’s description of them in the book surpasses any technology that would have been available during his time. From mechanical arms to people that have become more robot than human, Neuromancer depicts prosthetic advancements that are becoming extremely relevant today. Is Gibson predicting that humans will one day be able to completely save their bodies by having mechanical implants placed within them and replace appendages fully? It is truly exceptional to see Gibson display his foresight in his book and see how his predictions have proven true fairly often in today’s technology.

Posted from My blog by Charlie