
  • arwasret wrote a new post on the site Gender & Technology 4 years, 2 months ago

    Alien Adventure should come across initially as the game equivalent of a popcorn movie. Just harmless entertainment, but at the final moment, the game is transformed into something more insidious. I created the […]

  • arwasret wrote a new post on the site Gender & Technology 4 years, 2 months ago

    It always surprises me how unexpectedly personal I am in my blog posts. I am not usually so openly vulnerable, the mortifying ordeal of being known, and all that jazz. But the topics we discussed in this class are […]

  • arwasret wrote a new post on the site Gender & Technology 4 years, 3 months ago

    Coincidentally, when I was researching AI, natural language processing, and chatbots for my cultural artifact project I started to read Speak. I have become enraptured by AI much like Ruth and the girls who loved […]

  • arwasret wrote a new post on the site Gender & Technology 4 years, 3 months ago

    While I was reading Noble’s book, I searched every example that she used for how google searches came up with harmful information about minorities. I found that all of these examples have now been remedied, now t […]

  • arwasret wrote a new post on the site Gender & Technology 4 years, 4 months ago

    In the wake of Covid-19, our connection to social media has been made especially apparent. Now that we aren’t able to see each other physically, we are relying on social media to connect with almost everyone. J […]

  • arwasret wrote a new post on the site Gender & Technology 4 years, 5 months ago

    Phillips and Milner write about the lack of a distinction between the internet and embodied space. As Phillips and Milner state, social media is an example of how these boundaries break down in many ways, or how […]

  • arwasret wrote a new post on the site Gender & Technology 4 years, 5 months ago

    I was admittedly excited to read The Fangirl’s Guide To The Galaxy because the topic of the book feels like coming home. This book was written in 2015 and it feels like an artifact of my middle school and early h […]