Embedded Sexualization in Video Games

I knew there was an issue with how gender and technology interact, but I wasn’t aware of how deeply-rooted it is into seemingly every technological aspect of our lives. I feel like I shouldn’t be, but I am shocked at how blatant video games are at sexualizing women. Like Anita states in her “Women as Background Decoration” video, a sex object is still a sex object no matter how or to what extent a player is supposed to interact with it. A sex object is indeed player directed, but by putting it into a game, creators are implicitly encouraging a player to experiment with it, something I didn’t think about. This makes me wonder whose fault the objectification of women in video games is. Is it the developers for even thinking to put that kind of stuff out there? Or is it the consumers who buy the games even though they see the objectification of women while playing?

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