
After reading over the five blog posts I made throughout the semester, I noticed that I made similar analyses and comments for each post. Even while writing the posts, I realized that I took a personal approach and often wrote about digital literature in relation to my life experiences. This ranged from courses I’ve taking at Davidson to the hobbies I have. I also often talked about my perspective as a computer science major with interests in data science. Digital literature has strong ties to these fields, which explains one reason why I wanted to take the class in the first place. Topics like ELIZA, interactive fiction games like The Aisle, and databases thus piqued my interest as it correlated directly to my personal intellectual pursuits.

One change I noticed from the beginning of the semester to now was what I considered “electronic literature.” In both my posts and my mindset, I grew an open mind about what electronic literature could be from the varying examples and genres of electronic literature we discussed in class. As the semester progressed, I could reference other forms of electronic literature and discuss works more correctly and eloquently. Overall, I saw a huge improvement in my posts as they progressed, and my appreciation for this field definitely grew.

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