Reflection Post

After reading and reflecting over the blog posts I had made over the semester, I felt that I focused on a few main themes. One of the first themes that I talked about was player choice and how it impacted the game for me as a user. The games that especially captivated me were the The Flat and Her Story. I think my background as a CS major influenced me in the way I looked at all of these games. I think coming from this background gave me a perspective into how the games may be made. Knowing this made me think of how many users may interact with the game and where some parts of the game may be confusing to someone. I think that this was a main focus for me since a lot of software will eventually be interacted with the public and I have had to think about how/where people may get confused. In a game the way the author creates the game and allows a user to interact is even more important.

Another big theme I talked about were the cultural connections to the games that I found. I think that every blog post that I wrote included some cultural connection, whether it be another game or a movie or something else. I think that a lot of these games build off of the familiarity of the cultural connections, whether they are coincidental or on purpose.

Over the course of the semester I felt that I was able to articulate my thoughts a lot more coherently and how they connected to what we were talking about in class. I felt my blog posts especially improved from the first blog post and on.

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