
Looking back at my blog posts this year, I noticed how a change in how I approached them and how I wrote them as the year progressed. At the beginning of the year, in my posts I would just analyze the games or readings and then find pieces of that game or reading that stood out to me in a good or bad way. I would also sometimes try to connect them to other themes that I had learned about in class and find a way to relate them to subjects from earlier in the year. However, I noticed that as the year went on I started to approach the blog posts more casually and write about my immediate reactions to the subject and what thoughts I had during or after interacting with it. I remember when I was writing the blog posts for the last couple I would start rambling on in my head about connections I had to the subject and instead of just ignoring my thoughts, I would just try and write them down. I tried to start being a little less formal in my posts and write them like I was discussing the subject in class.

For example, I remember when I was writing the post about the sublime, I immediately made connections to weird feelings I had in the past with the sublime and I made some connection to the idea of time and even though it somewhat didn’t seem relevant, it made sense to me. It was easier for me to write about the sublime because I was able to make connections to my own experiences with the sublime. Whereas with my first two blog posts, which were about an introduction reading and Shade, I didn’t have any connections to them and it was difficult to write a post about them. So I guess another thing I noticed with my posts is that I found the posts easier to write when I enjoyed the reading or game because I was genuinely interested in them. That’s another reason why I felt like my posts were easier to write as the year progressed because some of my favorite subjects came later in the year, like dysfunctionality. Overall, the biggest change I really saw in my posts throughout the year was just how I approached and how I wrote them.

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