Sublime in the Everyday

Thinking about the sublime is interesting to me because I can recall many moments in my life that were sublime, where my mind just felt lost and taken aback in a way. The two types of sublime are mathematical and dynamic. Mathematical sublime describes when we encounter or think about something so great in size that we can not wrap our minds around it. We are in awe of how large something is. Dynamic sublime describes those situations where we encounter something dangerous or life-threatening, but we know that we are okay. The idea of the sublime is cool to me because I feel like all my life I’ve had sublime encounters. For example, ever since I was a kid I’ve tried to wrap my head around the size of space. I still can not wrap my head around it and how it just does not end. However, the concept of time always freaked me out as a kid because I could not and still can not wrap my head around the concept of time and how it will continue forever. It still freaks me out how it is never-ending. I’m not sure if the concept of time falls under mathematical sublime, but it seems related to it and it freaks me out in the same way. With the dynamic sublime, I always get those feelings when I’m on a tall building and I look down to see the ground. The fall is obviously deadly but I am safe behind a railing or a window. However, I still get a little spooked. There’s a lot of beauty with the sublime though because something so big in size that can create some feelings of uneasiness, is almost like a wonder to the world, like we will never truly understand it. And there’s not a lot of things that can create those sublime qualities.

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