Looking Back: DIG 220 Reflection

When I look back at my blog posts from the semester, I notice that I always talk about how everything confused me at first. Whether it be the reading for that day or game, I always seemed to have gotten confused by them. To help ME understand the material better, I wrote a paragraph that analyzed the game or reading. This has been the way I wrote all of my blog posts for the entirety of the semester. Along with an analysis of the material, I always put in my reaction for each blog post. For example, in my last blog post about Pry, I talked about how fascinating it was to see a story be told using modern means, but I also talked about how the different aspects confused me for a period of time.

I also noticed that once I got to a certain point in my blog posts, it started to come off as me just getting every thought I had into the blog post. After a paragraph and a half of writing, it felt like I was having a conversation (You know, the type of conversation ever person has with the FBI agent living in your laptop). I also tried to put some of my witty Texan charms in each of my blog posts, most likely to give the reader a bit of a distraction from the long post or to get me back on track. Throughout the course of the semester I never really changed in my writing styles, and the fact that there is little change in my blog posts interests me.

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