Prying open Pry: A Closer Look

PRY, also known as the last work we are looking at in DIG 220.  If I could put a sad face emoji up I would. Pry definitely stood out as its own type of work when comparing it to some of the other works we looked at over the semester. It was definitely interesting to see a story being told in different ways. I’m not sure I got it right but I believe that whenever video was used, it was for seeing what’s going on in the world, and text is a way to show what James thinks. I also found it weird how we were supposed to be prying James’ eyes open at some points in the game, and as I’m typing this I am realizing why the game may have been named Pry. That is probably the saddest thing that will ever be read in a blog post.

Anyway, I did find the ways you interacted with the game very interesting. The story used all of the functions of the IPad making it fully interactive. There is also the fact that the narrator is not reliable anymore. James is losing his sight and quite possibly his mind, which fits the character’s persona since he was a Gulf War vet turned demo man, and the “going blind” part explains why there is braille in some parts of the story. However, it’s an interesting choice to use braille since an actual blind person would never be able to feel it since it’s on an IPad.

So Pry is a great work that shows that completely uses the mobile device’s function as an interactive means of reading. Pry was definitely a good piece of work to end the semester off with in my opinion. It’s bringing the semester together while making us think still about the new things it’s presenting. I would just like to end my last blog post by saying thanks for sticking with me on my crazy blogs.


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