Pry-Expanding E-Books

Pry, the last work we are examining, seems to be the work that ties everything together of what we have talked about all semester. There are other works that have used similar attributes, but this work to me stood out as a way to intimately look through someone’s eyes. In her video, Samantha Gorman talks about how they tried to emulate a book in a browser and tell a story through the browser. She mentions how early e-books emulated page turns, but being a digital form, she wanted to integrate new ways that a reader could be moved from passage to passage instead of relying on the metaphor of page turning. I though this was very interesting because to me, e-books generally seems a little bit off to me. I always find it hard to pick up an e-book and stay with it. Maybe it’s because when reading them, there’s tons of other distractions and places I can go, whereas a regular book I am only really afforded what’s on the page. I think that trying to think outside of the box really gives this work it’s magic.

One fascinating thing I thought she talked about was the silent guiding hand through the story. Even though the reader has much of the control, I think it’s cool that they have almost a checklist or a guide on what plots they want a reader to hit. In a way, everyone can then experience some of the same story, yet have unique experiences reading the story and still have the feel of reader choice.

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