Texting: Careless or Purposeful

After starting Bury Me My Love, I was intrigued with the text conversation format. Texting is something that I take for granted and experience every day. Often when I’m texting I don’t think twice about a message that I’m sending. Since most of my texts are mindless it was interesting to see how texting can be used to tell a story. The interactivity also made me think deeper on what I was texting and how it was going to affect the story. One quality that stand out to me about texting is the carelessness of it. The carelessness of texting made me think of the connection to cyber-bullying. It is extremely bold to say something negative to someone’s face. However, is only takes a few seconds and very little consideration to send a hateful text. And if the sender regrets it, they can just delete it from their phone and erase the memory. It is also easy when texting to not realize how someone could interpret a text.

Another connection I made from the text conversation style of this interactive fiction game was how texting can make you feel so close to someone you might have never met face to face. In the game you are playing the role of the husband who is texting his wife. On online dating apps or chatting apps, people often talk to people they only know through one picture if that. The show Catfish became popular because of how many people were faking who they were on online dating sites. The victims of cat-fishing never suspected anything because their relationship was built from texting.

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