Not Understanding Dysfunctionality is Understanding It

The idea of dysfunctionality is really interesting to me because the artist is intentionally making his or her work really messy and confusing to either create some sort of “aesthetic” or to prove a point. It’s funny to me to think that they are purposely putting in mistakes or errors to get their work to turn out the way they want it. It also makes me think if whether or not they are meticulous with what mistakes or errors they put in their work or if they just somewhat throw a bunch of stuff in there and see how it turns out. For example, in game, game, and again game, there’s just a bunch of scribbles and a bunch of noise like everything is one big mess. But did he think about how he wanted each level to look like or did he just turn his mind off and draw everywhere. It seems lazy like that one level called “some confusing hell made of messy lines” or something like that where it was just a bunch of lines. But I feel like everything has a lot of thought into it.

I personally kind of liked game, game, and again game because it was super weird and just kind of looked really cool to me. It also was really confusing and I did not really understand it but it seemed like I wasn’t supposed to understand it so in a way I feel like I was looking at the work somewhat as it was intended. I think that everything is super messy and hard to understand so it serves as the opposite of most art that is really neat and perfect.

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