Who’s Doing The Talking in Her Story

Her Story is probably the most confusing game I have played in a long time. It’s a great database game and playing this game for three days brought more chills and confusion every day.

So as we’ve discussed in class, there are supposedly two people being interviewed, Hannah and Eve. This is the first thing that threw me for a loop. The first thing that didn’t make sense is no one would’ve known if Eve was real. So bringing up a whole new person in the interview created two possibilities in my mind. Either Eve is real, or Hannah has multiple personalities and Eve is one of them. When looking at the game in chronological order there’s some evidence that Eve is real. For starters on June 27th, Hannah had a bruise on her left cheek. Then on the 30th, the bruise is gone. She says she has a high metabolism and that’s why the bruise is gone. The only problem with that is right after “Hannah” had said that, she touched her wrong cheek. Later on, we learn that someone has a tattoo, and then it’s gone the next day. There’s a lot of evidence saying that Eve is real and is Hannah’s twin sister, but I still believe they could be the same person. I mean if Eve is real then it explains for the tattoo and bruise disappearing, but makeup can also explain that. Also in the end, “Eve” fails a lie detector test saying she’s Hannah. The thing is this game is so detailed, I think the developers would know that polygraph machines are no way reliable. Also, no one has seen Eve because “supposedly” she was locked away. Lastly, both people were pregnant, but Hannah had a miscarriage.

I believe that Eve is a real person and is the twin of Hannah, but I do also think that Hannah may be insane since she possibly murdered Simon. I also believe that trying to put Her Story together takes a lot of time and it’s a complicated process. It’s easy to get mixed up in a different part of the story and it happens a lot. It’s very infuriating, but nonetheless Her Story was an interesting way to see a database game.

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