Characteristics of Electronic Literature

In Janet Murray’s article, Hamlet on the Holodeck, she talks about the different characteristics of electronic literature and what makes it unique compared to traditional literature. She explains how these four characteristics come together to make the literature both interactive and immersive. She uses Zork as an example as the game allows for the player to enter commands to change where the story is heading through their decisions and how Zork paints a narrative landscape through the descriptions of the area in the game without using any graphics. The point Murray brings up on how immersive electronic literature through it being participatory is very important with what makes electronic literature so appealing. It allows the reader to be a part of the story in a way most books can not, as the reader can make decisions and see how those decisions in turn affect the story. It also allows for the reader to feel like they are the main character of the story, which in turn makes the reader become more immersed in the story and care a lot more about in which direction they take the story. Another interesting point brought up is how the encyclopedic nature of interactive literature distracts us from the sets of rules that guide our decisions in these works. I’ve never really seen it as a problem that interactive literature guides you in a certain direction with your decisions within the work as it makes most sense with how the story is going, but it is interesting to think about how the lack of freedom to go in whatever direction you want with certain simulation games, in particular, is masked by the seemingly endless amount of options presented to you in line with the set story. However, I still do not think the encyclopedic nature of electronic literature is a handicap as Murray suggests, as I think it allows for people to have more content and more possibilities to explore thanks to the encyclopedic nature of electronic literature.

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