Warfare or a video game ?

With recent developments in all technology, military technology has followed closely, producing more and more unique answers to warfare. Countries around the world are spending billions of dollars competing for military power. Some of the most sophisticated and in turn terrifying military advancements come directly from the US. The notion of fighting a war from your backyard is something truly remarkable and questionable.I personally did not think something like drone warfare existed until a few months ago. I heard about it, but I did not understand what it actually meant.  In just the last few years around two and a half thousand people were killed by drones. Despite the many advantages drone warfare adds, it remains a questionable topic due to the ease with which it can be applied, and how little needs to be sacrificed. Originally, one of its main purposes was to put a soldier in the situation that would allow him to operate without fear, which would save the life of civilians. However, this purpose fails as results showed  that hundreds upon hundreds died since U.S. military introduced drones to the warfare. This technology allows soldiers to have a wrong perception of war, in many ways trivializing the topic. You have a remote control that allows you to kill people without any connection to the aftermath. In the article Death by Robot by Robin Martinez, a robot is asked to give a dose of painkiller to a woman that suffered from two broken ribs. Although the robot is not capable of deciding whether or not a woman really needs painkillers, it still must make a decision, bringing about a problem. When we, and we definitely will, start using AI to fight our wars, the ethics of warfare will need to be entirely rewritten.


Skynet is coming. <br> Image source: The Guardian. Retrieved from: www.hardwarezone.com.my/tech-news-ai-experts-and-researchers-demand-ban-ai-used-warfare%5B/caption%5D


