Zombies, more than just horror?

Image result for zombies as dwarfs www.pinterest.com/pin/446982331737365000/%5B/caption%5D

I’ve always wondered what the appeal is in the zombie apocalypse. I think beyond the horror, action, thriller, and drama, we watch it as a kind of way to vicariously experience anarchy. I believe that somewhere within, every person enjoys the idea of breaking rules, no matter how small or meaningless. Think about it, going to Chipotle for the thousandth time, you must have been tempted to pour root beer in a water cup – maybe you did (you criminal). But regardless, in the rigid world of protocol we live in today, I feel that everyone experiences moments where they simply want to break away. I imagine these little (or sometimes larger) moments of temptation manifest themselves in the form of brief fantasies, where in the world of our imagination, we can break all rules. It’s one of those moments where you say to yourself “How funny/fun/entertaining/crazy would it be if I/someone –“(did something really inappropriate (don’t get any ideas).

I feel that the huge obscure appeal of the zombie apocalypse is the manifestation of these fantasies in one continuous narrative. It’s like putting together all these moments that tempt us, and releasing them into one coherent scenario. Basically, anarchy, without any guilt, because the fault is always that of the “other” (the zombies). Anarchy usually (and rightfully I guess) feels wrong, so when the blame is not on any one person, but a legion of monsters, then everything is justified, and one can go crazy breaking every rule that once used to exist.

I’m sure everyone loves those scenes when characters finally make it to a supermarket, or some kind of storage with food and supplies. It’s like every consumer’s dream come true, running (away) through isles and isles of free things. Consume as much as you want, with no repercussion, it’s finally okay to steal (lol). By virtue of still being alive in the zombie apocalypse, you have earned the right to everything you can get your hands on.

You can imagine how this extends beyond consumerism to every basic instinct we have as humans. Instincts for violence, romance, anything really. The zombie apocalypse is the perfect place for the real “you” to surface, without any negative feedback, everything is allowed. It’s like truly being naked, or something.

