Final Reflections

My posting evolved over the course of this semester from what I thought I should be interested in relevant to this class to pursuing my actual interests from the basis of this class.

I started with a dutiful report on the Doomsday Clock the afternoon after Professor Sample told us about it. While intriguing to notice, this post is at its core an explanation of an event through listing the Clock’s changes since its making. I wrote other Sightings post this last week of May. The one I have posted so far explores how and why different countries have different rules about media. Not only more engaging and learning-focused, this post arose from something I noticed in my life rather than a following of statements from class.

With this ideological growth has come representational challenges. The more abstract an idea, the more difficult it is to write about clearly. I became conscious of this differentiation through authoring my Comparative Media Project, in which I struggled to find a balance between exposition and analysis. However, my learning evolved alongside my work this semester in other classes: all were writing-focused, and I worked as a Humanities Fellow. Though a challenging transition, my writing grew in analytical depth through this class. I believe a good part of that has to do with the pattern in which we learned. Our first work, like the Snapchat assignment, was engaging and fruitful but straightforward, as opposed to later assignments like Haunted Media in which we had greater freedom to build off our then-supported understandings.

I explored a variety of topics in my posts, again growing in depth.

I feel my fourth blog post, “How Can You Come Back If You Never Left?”, is one of my best. Here, I was able to include several aspects and subjects of analysis into a cohesive narrative that examined my learning through my interests and findings.